all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 0AA 1 51.536985 -0.471592
UB10 0AD 1 51.539097 -0.473419
UB10 0AE 1 51.541811 -0.4727
UB10 0AF 0 51.535459 -0.471067
UB10 0AG 0 51.538715 -0.473221
UB10 0AH 0 51.535622 -0.471883
UB10 0AJ 0 51.535154 -0.47112
UB10 0AL 0 51.534361 -0.453032
UB10 0AN 0 51.5362 -0.452802
UB10 0AP 0 51.53794 -0.453161
UB10 0AQ 0 51.538257 -0.473972
UB10 0AR 0 51.538663 -0.452747
UB10 0AS 0 51.539457 -0.452302
UB10 0AT 0 51.540501 -0.451647
UB10 0AU 0 51.536892 -0.471999
UB10 0AW 0 51.537083 -0.452945
UB10 0AY 0 51.536376 -0.460078
UB10 0AZ 0 51.536243 -0.459505
UB10 0BA 0 51.537639 -0.459675
UB10 0BB 0 51.536186 -0.470999